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5 Famous Paintings By Francisco Goya

5 Famous Paintings by Francisco Goya

1. "The Third of May 1808" (1814)


"The Third of May 1808" (also known as "El tres de mayo de 1808 en Madrid" or "Los fusilamientos") is one of Francisco Goya's most renowned works. The painting depicts the execution of Spanish civilians by French troops during the Peninsular War on May 3, 1808.

Goya's depiction of the event is both horrifying and poignant, capturing the brutality of war and the indomitable spirit of the victims. The painting is a powerful indictment of violence and tyranny, and remains one of the most enduring images of the Napoleonic Wars.

Technical details:

  • Oil on canvas
  • 268 x 347 cm
  • Museo del Prado, Madrid


Francisco Goya was a master of his craft, and his paintings continue to captivate and inspire people around the world. "The Third of May 1808" is a testament to his genius, and a powerful reminder of the horrors of war and the importance of human dignity.
